Franck Goddio, Evelyne Jay Guyot de Saint Michel
Griffin - On the Route of an Indiaman
Periplus Publishing Ltd, London, 1999 | ISBN 1-902699-02-5
CONTENTS I - The Route to India : Franck Goddio II - The Griffin from Shipwreck to Excavation: Franck Goddio, III - The Wreck, from Reality to the Documents: Franck GoddioIV - The History of a Cargo: Franck Goddio, Evelyne Jay Guyot de Saint Michel V - From Archives to reality, Analysis of a Cargo - Plates I to XLVIII - Inventory of the Griffin porcelain: Evelyne Jay Guyot de Saint MichelVI - Conservation of Material: Evelyne Jay Guyot de Saint MichelVII - The Conclusion: Franck Goddio, Evelyne Jay Guyot de Saint MichelAppendixBibliography